Toyota 80 Series Landcruiser - exploring off roads in Australia
Imogen and Luke are currently finalizing their Toyota 80 Series Landcruiser conversion for living the dream - exploring Australia's off roads, living tiny and enjoying life to the fullest.

1987 Ford TransVan - a solid vintage van
Major wanderlust drove Mariah and Mads to buying and renovating a 1987 Ford TransVan, but with COVID, they had to get creative...

1992 International 5 ton truck - a self made wooden dream
Ben and Kai rent land in British Columbia, Canada, where they park and live full time in their totally self converted 1992 International 5 ton truck.

Ram Promaster 2500 High Roof 159 - a van instead of a wedding
Sunny & Luna decided to trade in their big wedding for a van, because the virus came across their wedding plans. Read our interview, when you want to find out if they regret buying a Ram 159 Wheelbase high roof!

Toyota Landcruiser 79 Series - built to tour
Jade and Jaryd stripped life back to the basics, because they wanted to get away from material possessions and pressures - we think they are doing everything right when it comes to their travels with a Toyota Landcruiser!

Toyota Hiace 4x4 - a small van for big opportunities
Mimmi, Andrej and their dog recently went full time tiny living in their Toyota Hiace 4x4 and want to explore the world - but especially their home country sweden.

Four Wheel Campers: The best 14 basic vehicles with 4x4 for a trip around the world
A four-wheel motorhome is the dream of many travelers, which is increasingly being turned into reality. Going anywhere and still having the apartment piggyback with you, that doesn't just sound great, it's great.

Mercedes Benz Sprinter - full-time life in a converted ambulance
Before C.J built his own campervan, a 2004 Mercedes Benz Sprinter, he built other people's dream houses on four wheels. Now look what he created for himself!

Ford Econoline 350 - A former prison van is now a home for two adventurer
Tiffanie and Will bought their Ford E 350 for $2,500 USD on a government auction and converted it into a home on wheels.

Dodge Ram Van 1500 - the American way of (van)life
After lots of curse words, mistakes, and beers, Jessie Leonard and her father finished the conversion of her Dodge Ram Van 1500 for hitting the road full time and turning her back to the classic 9-5.

Mercedes Vario 814 DA 4x4 - Bruce meets the world
Bart and Semora needed a change in their lifes and found Bruce, a Mercedes Benz Vario 814 DA 4x4. So now they are travelling around the world.