Christina and Eduard are living their timeless life project. The Catalonian couple enjoys life in their Mercedes 609 D to the fullest.
We are a couple from Catalonia, Cristina and Eduard and we are traveling with our two dogs Vira and Goku. We travel discovering the world aboard a Mercedes 609D of ’89.
TIMELESS LIFE PROJECT is our new life style!, infinite, eternal, nomadic, a moving life project, that has been born by the sum of all the lived experiences.
We had a common life, each with his steady job, we lived in a rental house with our dogs, we participated in cultural organizations, we enjoyed and shared good times with our friends and family we had a life like many people, with their pros and its cons, until about a year ago.
We decide to change our life style and we left our routine life, our jobs, our house and begin a nomad life travelling around the world to learn and grow personally and professionally.
In 2017 we bought the van, the choice was not easy, we looked for a spacious, robust and easy to repair van. We opted for the old Mercedes 609 D because it has all the requirements we wanted, (high roof, robust engine, long&wide, easy to find spare parts).
We found our van in Fuerteventura, we thought it would be difficult to bring it to the peninsula, but did all the transport paperworks was very simple and fast.
A Mercedes Benz Sprinter 4×4 because have all our requirements and you can drive off road with no problems.
We did. When we bought the van, it was already converted. But when we began to modify some things to adapt it to our needs, we were looking for a thousand excuses to build our home from scratch.
So we emptied everything and we got down to work to carry out the project. We sold most things from home, we keep memories and things we could take advantage of, to invest in our new home.
In just 17 days we did the van conversion with the help of our family and friends.
Before starting with the van conversion we looked for information about the steps, in forums, groups of facebook, videos on youtube, van conversion companies, friends and family.
We made a 3D design of the van, we looked for the materials that suited our needs and we started with the project.
We would change the dm wood of the walls by pine frieze slats. And we would use not so heavy materials.
We work non-stop for 17 days to finish the van conversion. Although later we have invested a few more days to finish details. Our van is in continuous transformation.
We have a stationary heating, it’s called Planar 2D, and it uses the same fuel from the truck, it works very well. Also at night, Vira, warms us because he sleeps at the foot of our bed.
We prefer free camping somewhere in the middle of nowhere, because we love tranquility and discover new places. We always drive on secondary roads, it’s the best way to get lost.
Also we use an app it’s called Park4night, it’s good to know about different spots to stay overnight.
We haven’t discovered it yet.
The best part, is that we don’t have routine, every day it’s different, this life style allows us to meet new people, to know new places, to know ourselves, specially to feel FREE.
We “traviajamos” we work travelling. We combine seasonal work and online projects, half of “@timelesslifeproject is graphic designer and marketer. We also use the exchange as currency.
We can work or help in exchange for food, a place to stay, or even some repair for the van.
We do not know how many we can spend per month, it is very subjective, it all depends on the country where we are, the kilometers we are going to travel, the food, …
At this moment we are very happy with the vanlife community. We help each other a lot, whatever the problem and wherever you are.
There is always someone from the community willing to help you. There is also an awareness rooted to the conservation of the environment.
There are currently many ways to try this lifestyle without need to buy a van, there are many companies and apps for renting motorhomes or vans, which allow you to experience the vanlife.
Although if the doubts arise on wheels … you can always search instagram accounts of people who live the vanlife, facebook groups, YouTube videos, and ask questions you have.
Every week we receive many questions from people who want to change their lifestyle, who want to travel
somewhere we have been, ask us about the van and its benefits …
We are enchanted to help people and share our experiences in our social networks and web page.